December 30, 2008

2 New 650B Bikes!

Though not mountain bikes, Rivendell Bicycles is offering two new 650b wheeled bikes in 2009.
The Betty Foy is ladies mixte frame. Lugged, and Taiwanese produced.

And the
Sam Hillborne is the traditional version.
This bike uses 650b wheels on sizes 48cm & 52cm.

To quote Rivendell on 650B,
"The wheels are 650B. Five years ago, were rare in the U.S., but no more. It's well-supported in this country--it's even trendy--and has a secure future."

Good work Grant.
Check out for additional info!

December 22, 2008

What would you say if...

What would you say if I offered you a 2.1" knobby 650B tire? What if you already had a matching tire on your 650b rig, but its was a little too big, or a little too heavy?
Would you ask for a lighter, narrower version of the Neo-Moto? Would a 2.1" version suffice? What if we scraped off 100g from the existing 2.3" Neo? Would you ride it? Would you love it? Would you love me? I hope not, you should love Pacenti Cycle Designs.

That's right, your prayers have been answered. A 2.1" version of the acclaimed Neo-Moto is in the works. MTBR's BEST, just got a little smaller! The Neo was the precedent for 650b knobbies, and won't go down without fight! Pacenti has pushed the production of the Mini-Moto, a 650b x 44 tire, back in favor of the narrower Neo. Quite the line up of tires is emerging!
Meanwhile, Kenda has yet to deliver their 2.3 and 2.1 Nevegal in the 650b format.
Cross you fingers for a Pre-Sea Otter release of the 2.1 Neo!!!
Pictured is the 2.3" Version

So, now, planned/scheduled 650b Knobby tires are as followed:
Pacenti Neo Moto 2.3"
Pacenti Neo Moto 2.1"
Pacenti Quasi Moto 2.0"
Schwalbe Racing Ralph 2.2"
IRD/Pana Fire XC Pro 2.1"
Kenda Nevegal 2.3"
Kenda Nevegal 2.1"
WTB Wolverine 2.2"

I think there are enough tire companies onboard to suggest this as a viable wheel size!
Forks? Hello? ...Bueller?

December 02, 2008

Low and Behold

Just before the Thanksgiving holiday the new issue of Adventure Cyclist arrived in the mail (thank you subscriptions). I look forward to this periodical with my rising interest with long distance riding and the potential of just, one day, getting lost (way lost) on my bike. Anyways, there is no mention of 650B wheels or bikes in the current Nov/Dec 2008 issue, but, alas, a 650B wheels bike graces its cover.
The Rivendell Saluki is, and has been, available so sometime now. It also was one of the base insparations for the original Rawland line of bikes: the Sogn and Olaf. The Saluki is available with canti-lever brake posts or traditional caliper style mounting. Grant Petersen is the mastermind at Rivendell. Stop by their website at
As for the Adventure Cyclist, they are an awesome organization AND magazine. for more info!
Aaron Teasdale and his son, Silas, grace the cover. Aaron also acts as the Deputy Editor for the Adventure Cyclist publication!
For now, go get lost on your bike!

November 29, 2008

The VooDoo Takes Yet Another Form

Originally uploaded by Cracked Headtube
I've converted the BOKOR to a 650B Mtb Fixie. I gave it a ride this evening as the sun dropped. Definitely a different ride style. I had a few fixies years ago. One was a Surly Steamroller that I toyed with as an off-road fixed. I built this wheeled using the SUN cr18 650B. As some have posted the tire fit pretty tight, but went on similar to a tight fit with some wire bead tires. I've dealt with worse, that for sure. 39x15 gearing. I kept it to the local gravel levy, paved roads to get there and grassy, rocky levy climbs.

November 22, 2008

NOT 650B Related, sorry.

650B Wheeled Bikes to Test Ride!

November 19, 2008

Hard to Find?

I fired up this morning and low'n'behold: Pacenti Quasi Moto Tires on the homepage, on sale!

Check out for more info!

November 17, 2008

Pricing issue?


We'll try to work on a price guide for your viewing pleasure.

Yes, I PURCHASED these tires to report on them. I bug companies about providing 650B product and once they offer it, I'll do my best to buy it.
2 reasons:
  • To back-up my interest.
  • Provide an informative narrative for the product.
Buying anything could be a risk. A [I]MAJORITY[/I] of MTBR users are men, and with most guys buying techy type stuff as in 650B wheels and components who do their research. I started 650B Palace to report to consumers the movings of 650B. When the Pacenti tires hit I initially bought 2 pair. When the Quasi's came in I was lucky enough to get a proto set for testing and review. I've also purchase more, since. No, I do not buy at retail, but I show my support by buying and testing and reporting. I don't get paid for my post, nor do I sell add space on my blog. I do it for the consumers and to show the industry the potential demand for this product. I pass along results I find because I love this sport and the progession of movers and shakers. Folks willing to push the envelope. Tires are a tough thing to manufacture. There is a lot of tooling involved, and (with everything), prices must be pass along to the end user. The 29er movement was happy to have 1 tire in the beginning. With 650B MTB tires we are sitting with 3 tires CURRENTLY available to the market, only 20 months since Kirk Pacenti debuted this idea at NAHBS 2007. That is some swift moving on the behalf of tire designers and makers. 3 Currenty with 3 more very close to release. 6 total potentially 24 months after the idea hit the (small) mainstream. 3 continents are reporting on this format and, in my opinion, that is HUGE news.
Price is one things but to ask for something, then say I'm not gonna buy because it costs too much is pretty weak. Especialliy when compared wit the 26" or 29" version. Be an educated consumer, and attempt to realize where the money must go for us to have these products.

November 15, 2008


More 650b Tires have landed!
Schwalbe's Racing Ralph is now offered in a 650Bx 2.25.
Claimed weight it 555g, with a folding bead. These tire mounted up great! I will not be able to give a test ride until (possibly) Sunday.
Other News:
My own Quijano Bike Co custom 650B frame is all finished, painted and built. True Temper OX steed! The RRs are fitted to it currently and this will be my new 650B component tester. Unless, I get another frame....hmm. Perhaps.

I designed and built this frame, so I'm super stoked to get to the trails! The new tires showed up today and I wasn't even expecting them. Too bad I'm photographing a wedding tomorrow, otherwise I'd be attending the local Fat Tire Fest in the Alifia River State Park. Alas, the bike will be on display, but not test riding will be done. Liability reasons.
I will post more soon!

Complete Shot
650B Racing Ralph
650B Racing Ralph

November 13, 2008


Well, everyone knows they are coming, but I haven't seen anyone else with them yet. I have a new set of 650B tires on the way. I'll post image when they arrive! Which ones? You'll just have to wait until next week!

Pacenti Cycle Designs BLOWOUT

Over at BIKELUGS.COM prices are low, right now!
Free shipping on tires!
30% off all Rims
50% off all forks!

If your into frame building stuffs check-out the other gear,too!

SALE <-----Follow Link

General Site <----- Follow Link

November 04, 2008

Quite the Steed

Originally uploaded by YiPsan bicycles
This bike is another YipSan, a 650B Cross bike. Or is it a Drop-bar mountain bike? Given the compent choice and fork choice I'd go with 650B-CX.
Lovely colors with matching bar wrap, and the brown leather Brooks brings it home!
Pacenti Quasi Motos in effect!

YipSan at it Again!

Originally uploaded by YiPsan bicycles
Renold Yip makes some stellar bikes. He just "get's it"
I am quickly becoming a huge fan of his work. He's a super nice guy, to boot.
Looks like he's built another SS 650B Mtb, with what looks like a custom painted Rock Shox Psylo. Follow the photo's link to more of Renold's YipSan bicycle images.

October 31, 2008

Forces of Nature!

Shawn Force shared this with 650BPalace.
It is his Marin Quad XC, 650B Equipped. It was photographed with Neo-Motos, but his local terrain does not need such an aggressive tread so he has stepped down to the Quasi-Moto.
Forces of Nature Cycling is located in St Joseph, MO. Reach them at (214) 748-3647. They are working at putting together more than a few 650B MTBs.

Renold Yip is at it again!

Originally uploaded by YiPsan bicycles
Renold of YipSan Bikes builds some nice rigs. Here is a tire clearance shot of a project just completed and it at the Rocky Mountain Bicycle Show this weekend! Check out his Flickr page for more images.

October 14, 2008

650B in OZ

Read it and live it.

Inter Bike 2008

Inter Bike 2008
Originally uploaded by Cracked Headtube
Vicious Cycles Mambo Sun SS
We nick-named this the Lizard Bike, because of the saddle. Which I failed to photograph. Vicious has teamed up with Fizik to offer matchin saddles to their killer paint jobs. The saddle on this bike looked like lizard scales! Wicked.

Inter Bike 2008

Inter Bike 2008
Originally uploaded by Cracked Headtube
Vicious Cycles Ti Mambo Sun.
Vicious had American Classics initial run of 650B wheelset. From my understanding both 27.5" bikes were sold in the course of the show, complete. The geared, Ti Mambo Sun was suppose to be Carl's personal bike, much like the Ti Mambo Sun shown at NAHBS but was sold, again...

On Hiatus.

Sorry for the lack of content on 650B Palace, but things are now back and running.

Some news for the readers:
I currently have 2 650B MTB Projects in the mix one Aluminum with kick ass sliders from Ahrens MFG, and one steel geared. I will post images and info as I get closer to the finale. A third possibility is in the works with another manufacturer. Lots of content to come!

The folks over at Soma contacted me before Interbike to get some wheels, which I am currently packing for shipment. Soma's prototype B Side has been put through the ringer and they are in need of a new rear wheel. I haven't seen any images of the production BSides, but rumor has i we all will soon.

I updated my Flickr with some images of Interbike. I didn't get around as much as I had liked, but I did manage a few pictures of 650B gear.

Rawland Cycles gradded #1 of Bike Magazines Top Ten of Interbike 2008! Yahoo! Great Folks there at Rawland! Loads of energy for such a quiet booth! Literally, I got goose-bumbs walking into their booth!

September 30, 2008

Quasi-Motos: THE DEMAND

Pacenti Cycle Design recieved MTBR's Tire of the Year with the Neo-Moto in a 2.3", but it seems the Quasi Moto is in short supply! J&B, QBP, are out, but I'm not sure about Hawley and I KNOW Merry Sales has some.

Another Dirt Rag Review

I don't recall if I added this to the site or not.

A while back I DO remember showing this bike on the 650B Palace, but now there is a review out. Due to Interbike ramp-up activities I haven't been able to read last month's Dirt Rag.

This deserves a good read, for sure.


This week in 650B

I returned from Las Vegas to find 2 new MTB periodicals on my desk.
This month's Dirt Rag features a painted clunker rider on the cover and they're giving away a Mongoose Teocali ( not your little bother's gonMoose from Walmart). BUT, the 650B news starts on page 60 with the review of White Bros Fluid 130 inthe 650B specific platform.
If you haven't ridden a nice Oil dampened fork check out this article. White Bros remains the only suspension fork company to offer a true 650B fork. With their modular tooling and US a homebase, things just come easier with less hoops to jump through.

Second, Mountain Bike Action has their write-up on the Lynsky Ti Custom "Level 3" hardtail. The MBA build also incorporates a White Bros fork, this time a 100mm Magic.

Head to you local book store or news stand to pick up November's MBA and Dirt Rag #138.

Or buy your subscription at:

September 27, 2008

650B In Action!!

Originally uploaded by YiPsan bicycles

Couple of YipSan 650B Mountain bikes getting put to use!

Originally uploaded by YiPsan bicycles

Interbike 2008.

Well for many it was a great show!
Sorry for the lack of pictures and words, but my laptop and other electronic equipment was stolen from my room at the Imperial Palace.
I'm pretty bummed about it.
I made it out to demo day, but due to insurance problems I was unable to saddle up.

Things happening:
(again sorry for the lack of enthusiasm)
IRD/Panaracer Fire XC Pro- enroute.
X-Fusion- plans on a 650B to goto prototyping
WTB- Wolverine 650B 2.2 Tire and a rim to match
Pronghorn- (who) A company with a full suspension design that will possibly use all wheel sizes in its line
American Classic- 2 wheelsets were on Vicious Mambo Suns, one SS one geared. I pair were also in the AC booth.
Haro has slated the Sonix VL120 650B for 2010.
Schwalbe's Racing Ralph was on hand, but no production tires, yet.
Kenda also had their 2.1 on display.
I should be getting some RRs and Nevegals soon.

I didn't see the Soma B-Side at the show, but a little bird dropped a note in my Inbox before the show needing some wheels for a production B-Side. More to come on that.

Rawland was at the show with some new products whoch they teased on their website a few days before the show.

Working the American Classic booth was super busy! There was a lot of interest in the 650B wheels, and we turn it on to some folks without any knowledge of the format. I had a load of folks looking for me to find out if their bike would be convertible and what not. All in all, less my robbery, it was a great show. I didn't get around to see the show as much as I would have liked, but, hey I was working.
Personally, I have some new projects on the horizon and I will be posting info as things manifest. Keep you head up.
...And when in Vegas keep your TV on and Do Not Disturb sign on your door when not in your room.

September 21, 2008

IB08 is upon us!

Well, outdoor dream-o begins tomorrow, and I will remain answering phones at work. I head to Vegas Tuesday morning, as we skip ODD due to a injury a few years back.
BUT, here is what I am expecting to see for 650B at this years show:

Wilderness Trail Bikes- Rims, wheels, and the Wolverine tire in a 650B
Vicious Cycles- more steel hardtails with eye catching paint
Schwalbe- Racing Ralph has been confirmed, but consumers will not see them until Feb 09. :(
Kenda- We all know the Nevegal is in the works, supply on them is low, but they will be on ODD bikes.
Haro- The Beasley will be ridable!
Fuji- completes with some carbon flair.
X-Fusion- teasing us with a 650B "prototype" fork
Soma- The Bside will be an A-side.
GENERIC- Sweet Ti hardtails, Prototype FS frames

Sorry, cats, I let ya out a day early.

Rawland brings in another 650b Frame

Looks like the folks over at Rawland Cycles have introduced yet another 650b frame to their line up. There is no ETA, but the details are:

Fixed gear specific
Disc tabbed lugged Rawland fork.
Pacenti designed geometry.
Extended headtube.
Braze-on options
Additional color choices, light blue, simply orange.
Currently 132.5mm OLD spacing.(edited due to update from Rawland)
3 bottle cage mounts.


September 13, 2008

Because, Shimano Wants to Know!

Question of the week: What tire size will your next mountain bike have?
  • 26"
  • 29"
  • 650b
Go to: to cast your vote!
or Click here SHIMANO

September 06, 2008

MAVIC 650B wheels

HAHA, you wish...

September 05, 2008

American Classic BXc wheels

I posted a generic image of American Classic's 650B offering yesterday. Today, I have images of an actual 650B wheel. This are looking good for the platform!

From Competitive Cyclist

Turner goes dw-link: Q&A with Dave Turner
We've known for some time that a major change was in store for Turner Suspension Bikes in 2009, but we weren't sure exactly what it would be. While a change to the dw-link has been heavily rumored in forums and the industry alike, it was exactly that: rumors, no confirmation, no denials. But, our curiosity was piqued. When we heard the new bikes would be introduced at Eurobike, we called Delta and booked a ticket. Naturally, Turner was our first stop in Friedrichshafen, and Dave Turner, the company's namesake, braintrust and fearless leader, was kind enough to spend a few moments with us to discuss the new bikes.

You've just made the second major change to your suspension design in four years. What prompted this?

Well, some consider the change from ICT to TNT a major change, and it certainly was an emotionally charged switch, but from the actual riding point of view I don’t consider the switch major at all. With field testing years ago I proved that the ICT did not work any better than TNT, which I had been licensing previously, so I vowed to change nothing in the future that did not actually make a better bike than what I currently had in production. The dw-link just pedals better. The exact relationship of the dw-link in relationship to the rider and frame geometry make for a bike that really accelerates in any terrain and is most apparent as the terrain gets steeper or you’re pedaling harder.

I was attending a fork-makers pre-season product launch on the same day as Dave Weagle, we got talking suspension designs, and he let me take his bike for a ride. We were on rocky terrain and I was anticipating pedal kick back and other bad habits like many other ‘mini link’ bikes exhibit. I was quietly shocked, the bike pedaled up hill almost like a hardtail as far as the rear end not squatting with each pedal stroke. Then when I rode across the many rocky sections the rear suspension would absorb the terrain. Kinda weird actually, to have a frame that felt like it was being held parallel to the ground, not dipping down with each pedal stroke, but would absorb bumps when rolled over. We traded cards and the rest will go down in history as THE major change in suspension for Turner Bikes.

So was it "love at first ride"? Or was it more of an intrigue that spawned a dialog between you and Weagle?

It was not love at first ride, but it was certainly noticeable what the dw-link did.Keep in mind that I was stepping off a 5 Spot to ride an unknown bike that did not handle like my 5 Spot. I had to focus on what the rear end was doing, and not be confused by non-Turner handling. That first ride certainly opened the dialog between Dave and myself. I actually had a dw-link equipped bike or two in the shop for some time, trying them on different trails before I committed to the technology. I really wanted to be sure that I was advancing the ride of my bikes with the dw-link. Truth is that we were selling good working, good handling bikes. And to go through the engineering and tooling effort (and expense) had to be justified with a better ride.

Now that the idea has developed into reality, what characteristic will a current Turner owner notice most about the new design once they have the opportunity to ride one?

When you push firmly on the pedals the bike doesn’t ‘bob’. This ‘bob’ as the bike industry calls it, is the bike squatting in the rear when the bike is pedaled forward. This is the only suspension design I have ever ridden that really feels firm when pedaling and then seems to have the magic ability to be free when hitting rocks and roots and ruts. We are spec’ing the lightest compression valving that Fox will sell, and the bikes feel flat and fast hammering along. This is due to the dw-link creating the support for the rider and chassis. This light valve spec then allows the rear suspension to really follow the trail obstacles.

Something that Turner riders coming from TNT bikes might notice is that the rear suspension is a bit more active under braking. I have to think about the difference in braking between TNT and dw-link, but under some conditions, it is indeed noticeable. After comparing the FSR/ICT licensed rear end with the TNT I appreciated the slight amount of brake energy being fed into the rear suspension as the TNT gave the bike a more stable feel especially on the steeps. Well, the new dw-link falls pretty close to the middle on brake effect on the rear suspension. Having ridden and designed bikes around the three different types, the dw-link creates a rear suspension that gives more control on the steeps than my earlier designs with FSR/ICT but in the high speed chatter the rear wheel follows the ground better than TNT. Splitting hairs I know, but that is how I roll!

And someone that’s riding a Turner for the first time?

Well, it has been said at least a thousand times, Turner Bikes are the best handling bikes our customers have ever ridden. Keep in mind that when a customer gets to the point of considering a Turner Bike they have certainly ridden another brand or three. So, I am sure that the whole bikes handling will impress most right away. If the rider has not ridden a dw-link bike before their first ride, then, as the first miles unfold they will notice that the bike is more responsive under pedaling input. The bike just feels like it wants to fly parallel to the ground as the rider lays down the power. Now someone that is used to a bike that has a great amount of chain torque that is fed into the suspension to lock it out, like many other mini link designs or even high single pivot locations, may want to argue with me by saying that those bikes pedaling-induced lock-out is good “counter bob”. It is my experience that with those types of bikes you can actually feel the rear suspension trying to lift you as you pedal hard, so lifting the rider during every pedal stroke with a bunch of chain torque is not very efficient for going forward, and of course when under power the suspension is rendered mostly useless.

On the other end of the spectrum if they are coming off a low single pivot or an FSR/ICT type bike which are generally accepted to be very active, then the rider will notice immediately that the bike feels like it is floating parallel to the ground with pedaling input having little effect on the rear end squatting under every pedal stroke. As obstacles are hit, the rear end seems to move up and down vertically, more so than arc around the BB area. This is something I noticed right away riding DW’s loaner bike in the rocks of Arizona. I am having a tough time describing this as it is a unique feel to the dw-link, but to me the wheel feels like it is on a track sliding up and down following the ground contours. No, the rear axle does not go perfectly straight up and down, but it does have much more sense of vertical movement. Then, under hard pedaling up through rocks the rear suspension will stay active, and because the whole bike is not squatting under each pedal stroke, the rider can stay more centrally seated and just lay down the power. Sure the steeper it gets the more a rider will have to move forward to keep the front end down, but nothing like on a FSR/ICT or low single pivot bike where the steep grade combined with the pedaling induced squat will have the rider sitting on the seat nose to keep the front of the bike down. When you don’t have to slide as far forward on the seat to counter the chassis squatting, you can put more power down in the seat position (that you spend more time in), because I think it is more efficient due to the fore/aft and height being a place your legs are the most used to.

Standing here looking at the line, the bikes still look like Turners. They appear to still have all the qualities that have come to define your company’s bikes – journal bearings (bushings) to maintain super-high tolerances, zerk fittings to allow for easy maintenance, US production, and massive tire clearance. Did anything else change apart from the suspension?

Well they certainly do look like Turner Bikes, but every one of them started with ground up thinking. Every part and geometry number was thought about before it was applied to the new models. Standover heights were revised, with most getting lower. When the top tubes were being adjusted I redesigned the seat tube gussets so that there is no more weld across the front of the seat tube at the top of the gusset. Due to the very high loads ‘mini’ link bikes see on the lower links we bumped up the pivot size of the dw-link for higher radial and thrust load capacity. We have used grease fittings on every Turner Bike ever produced, but now we have a totally custom proprietary design made out of stainless steel that will thread into all the pivots. These will have a thread lock on them so they will stay in the bike against high pressure grease and with their super low profile shape will not snag rocks or sticks. As you mentioned the tire clearance is huge, but only by other companies' standards. All the models on display have the same tire clearance as their predecessors. The new RFX, which is not ready yet, will have a touch more tire clearance for running 2.5 tires with plenty of mud or bent wheel clearance. Another big change to the line will be the switch to a 30.9mm seat post diameter. This is to make the frames compatible with the lighter weight adjustable posts like the Crank Brothers Joplin. As more and more of these types of posts become available, I know that they will all be offered in the bigger diameter. This did not change the front derailleur though -- it is still a 34.9mm high clamp with top pull cable routing.

It looks like your cable routing has changed as well?

We have run the cables along the down tube for years on the DHR and 4SL race bikes and the Highline. Historically the trail riders were more traditional and we stayed with top tube cable routing, but recently more people wanted the down tube routing on the trail bikes so now all models will be this way.

Do the frames still use the same derailleur hanger?

Same fit and bolt pattern on the derailleur hanger for the last 11 years. In 2008 we updated it with a new alloy and made it 1mm thicker, but it will bolt onto a 1997 and all the XC bikes since then.

For 2009, you've pared the Turner line down to five models from seven. What models/changes might we expect in the near future?

We will make another group of 4SL frames for the slalom and Mountain Cross racers, this I am sure of! If riders get their order in early we will make them for non-sponsored riders as well, it will have the same geometry of the past bikes but have a dw-link rear suspension. Everyone at Turner that has ridden the 650b wheel size loves it, but that is on the back burner until a major fork maker makes a fork that will work safely with that wheel size. Sometimes I think about bringing back the Nitrous, but then I think about how small the XC race market is, at least in the United States.

Fox, Rock Shox, are you listening? And, for what it's worth, we think you should bring the Nitrous back, Dave. It's been the choice for XC racers since its inception.

Naturally, our curiosity is piqued. We're dying to throw a leg over one, but you obviously didn't bring any demos with you here to Eurobike. Will you have some ready for Dirt Demo at Bootleg Canyon September 22?

We will have demos on the dirt in Bootleg Canyon!! We will have the first 3 models -- Flux, Sultan, and 5 Spot -- of the new lineup ready to ride out Outdoor Demo, but the DHR will be show only. The RFX will not be available till spring.

Dave, the line looks awesome! We can hardly wait to throw a leg over them and hit the dirt. When can we expect availability on these five 2009 models?

The Flux, Sultan and 5 Spot will be ready to ship in limited quantities in October. The DHR will be March, and the RFX after that.


So, fork makers....looks like there is now a demand. Buck-up.

September 04, 2008

Equalizer Update!

Just got off the horn with Sun-Ringle', and it seems they have plenty of Equalizer 650B rims in stock, and ready to ship. Your local shop can get ahold of them at 1.888.MTN.DISC, (1.888.686.3472). $65 Suggested retail on EQ27, 650b rim.

American Classic Debuts 650BXC wheels

Eurobike is the currently happening in Germany this week. American Classic's new look has been debuted there, and soon the US market will see it all at Interbike 2008 at the end of this month. Expect to see more here on 650b Palace. Tomorrow I will get some proper 'spy' photos!

September 01, 2008

B a Wisecracker

VooDoo Bokor, Revisited

There was a recent post on MTBR with a question about my VooDoo Bokor. So, I figured this would be a good time to post a bit of a review on my 650B conversion of the Bokor's 26" desgined skeleton.
To remind remind readers, I also have a full-suspension 650B conversion from a Haro Sonix VL120 ( with a modified rear triangle). Hands down the Bokor gets WAY more milage than my Haro. I've been a sucker for singlespeeds, as I grew up a bmxer, and my first MTB was a Trek 8500 ss. I built the Trek from scratch as a dedicated SS, and since then I haven't been able to ward off th single speed bug.
Back to the Bokor: Out of the box the Voodoo was setup as a single speed using its sliding dropout feature this was an easy setup. X-Fusion Velvet fork set at a full 130mm travel, TruVativ steering and cranks, American Classic SS QR hubs on Velocity Blunts, THE saddle (my new favorite). I've run both the QuasiMotos and NeoMotos on the rig, in a few flavors. QM front and rear, Neo front, QM rear, Neo front and rear, then Neo front and reverse Neo on the rear.
The sliding dropouts and S-Bent stays allowed for ample room through out the sliding range. Currently I have the QM on the rear, and the chain stay length is at its ultimate minimum: 16.5" I still have gobs of mud clearance. I'm sure I could get the CS length lower, but there is a small design flaw in these sliding dropouts. On the disc side the adapter mount bolt hits the frame at 16.5", limited the length reduction. If I were to run a linear pull brake I could then get a shorter CS length. I wouldn't sacrifice disc brakes for a 5mm less.

The Bokor is a trooper in the muck filled winding trails of Florida. The mentioned stays cleared mudd and transfered power like a champ. I should mention this frame was designed for a 100mm fork, so my choice for suspension wasn't ideal, but it still handled better than my past 29ers. On the Bokor I was constantly swirving around treacherous roots and mud bogs, and not once did I feel like the bike was too long or clumsy. The lightweight aluminum frame didn't kill me with harsh vibrations, perhaps my WTB Original Trail grips helped out with that. I'm also runnign a Titanium seatpost, for both weight reduction and buzz dampening.
So far I've been more than happy with my Bokor 650B conversion. To further test this versatile frame I've added a LX rear dérailleur and swapped the wheels for American Classic geared disc hubs laced to Stan's ZTR 355 650B rims with Sapim CX-Ray spokes. This wheelset is significantly less than the Blunt SS wheels. I've also set them up as tubeless with sealant. I'm excited to test this bike again. The Bokor may also get some commuting miles in with another swap to 700c disc wheels.

August 22, 2008

Busy Week.

OK, with Interbike so close most companies are keeping a tight lip about upcoming products. BUT, I've gotten wind of 3 tire companies (officially), 2 wheel companies, and a new complete bike en route, prototyping of a kick-ass full suspension frame with three letters, AND a Pro Team all utilizing the 650B platform.

Readers: IB08 will be HUGE for 650B. Be prepared to be amazed. STAY TUNED!

August 21, 2008

Hot Cakes?

Yep, them Quasi-Motos are selling quick.
Pacenti Cycle Design shipped a batch to distributor Quality Bicycle Products, and well....they have only 3 left. QBP is also out of Neo Motos, but BTI has over 100 instock for the same dealer price.
Sorry retail folks, QBP and BTI only sell to your local bike shops. Most shops place orders once a week, and delivery time from these to large distributors is pretty darn quick. So, take an hour or two and swing by your bike shop, see what's new, and place your order for some Pacenti 27.5ers.

Speaking of QBP and BTI, both are also stocking White Bros 650B Specific forks. So, now most bike shops will have all you need to get you on a 650B wheeled custom bike. Sycip and most other customer builders welcome business from shops! Quit making excuses.

August 20, 2008

Would the dedicated 29er crown throw a fit if...

Would the dedicated 29er crown throw a fit if... WTB stepped up and began producing 650B tires and prebuilt wheels? WTB was one of, if not the first, to produce a true 29er MTB tire. Though they won't be able to be the first in this case, but it would definetely ruffle the feathers on the dedicated 29er crowd. WTB has grown to be a signifcant player in the MTB tire scene and their involvement with the 27.5" "bandwagon" could signal a new standard on the horizon.
Please don't read too much into this thought. I'm only speculating. But, what if?
IF WTB began to produce one 650B tire, which tread would you prefer?

August 16, 2008

An Oldie Returns

A 90's component maker is being revived and may produce 650B Tires. Many OEs have been notified, but I'm not leaking who it could be just yet....
Anyone venture a guess???


2009 will be known for prices hikes across our industry. Expect to seen rubber prices boost the most. Not to specify,but the Pacenti tires are $55 now, but will be forced to be raised to $60 as a recommended retail price. WTB tires and tubes will be on the rise too. So, if at all possible stock up on any deals you may find of your favorite tires. Kenda hasn't released their 27.5 Nevegal yet, but expect to see it at a higher price point compared to the 26" models.
To help things out, Rawland Cycles will continue to sell the Neo-Moto for $50 with free shipping, to help push this platform.
Your favorite components will see the retail price boosts too, so don't get mad at your local bike shop when the new Shimano SLX hits, and it costs more than their anticipated prices, just deal with it.
Interbike is next month and new gear will be shared to the US just after it all debuts at Eurobike.
Watch out here, I've got new 650B goodies to share in the coming weeks. Yes, I have my grubby lil paws on some new product you're bound to love.

August 13, 2008

Rawland Cycles are a GO.

OK folks, 650B is gaining momentum! Rawland Cycles has announce the arrive of their first batch of frames. The Olaf, Sogn and dSogn* have arrive and are awaint your orders!

The Olaf is a single speed specific steel frame boasting dragon head dropouts with an integrated bottle opener. The Oalf is rack ready and rim brake specific. Any color you want, as long as is it's Rawland Red.

The Sogn mimics the Olaf in every way, but is gear ready. Rack compatible, so loaded touring will be a favorite for this rig. Also, there is plenty-o-room for the Pacenti 2.3" Neo-Moto tires.
*The dSogn is a disc only version of the Sogn.

Both models are sold with the Pacenti crowned bi-plane style lugged fork. They also offer a higher headtube than most other bikes, to allow for a stronger, more upright riding position with less headtube spacers to achieve a comfortable ride.

Originally the frames had a planned retail price of $650, but Rawland decided to drop the price to a mere $500. Watch out Surly.

Sean and Anna Virnig are the honchos there at Rawland, and for more info on the duo check out:


August 05, 2008

Suspension Fork Rumor

Oh boy, I got a big one. I heard a rumor from a reputable source that fork company X's 09 line up will be 650b/26er compatible forks. Keep a keen eye here on 650B Palace for confirmation. I'm not telling until I get the go-ahead!

Rock Shox
DT Swiss
Who will it be???

August 04, 2008

In the Hands of Dirt Rag

Originally uploaded by Engin Cycles
Dirt Rag Issue137 reviews Engin Cycles Custom 650B Single Speed.
My issue just arrived a few hours ago.

To quote Sarah ( the reveiwer), "It is a truly viable, well-thought-out option for a shorter rider."

This a is a beautiful bike. I called Drew last week to get some tips on fillet brazing, for he is a master, no doubt.

Clikc the image for a link to Engin's flickr page!

August 01, 2008

Snn Ringle' Recall

Hayes Recalls SunRinglé Quick Releases
The Hayes Bicycle Group is recalling 800 SunRinglé hollow quick releases due to reports that the devices can fail or break while in the locked position. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission announced the voluntary recall on Wednesday. Hayes Bicycle Group, SunRinglé’s parent company, has received four reports of the quick release devices breaking unexpectedly while locked, although no injuries have been reported. The recall involves the Hollow CroMo Front 100mm, Hollow CroMo Rear 130mm and Hollow CroMo Rear 135mm models. They were sold individually or with SunRinglé front and rear wheels with model names Black Flag, Disc o Flea, Charger, STR8 Track, Accelerator R3, 00C and Accelerator T3, 0C. Ringlé is stamped on the lever.
Quick release devices with a solid skewer are not included in the recall. The products were manufactured in Taiwan and sold in specialty stores nationwide between June 2007 and May 2008. The Consumer Product Safety Commission advises consumers with the quick releases to bring them to their local bike retailer for a free inspection and replacement. For more information, contact Hayes Bicycle Group at (888) 686-3472 or visit

July 30, 2008


Pacenti Cycle Design has recieved the first official batch of QUASIMOTO tires. Kirk at PCD sent me an email simply stating "Don't bother me...I will be... shipping hundreds of tires"

Looks like the initial Pre-Orders have been somewhat overwhelming, but those of you who have placed your preoders will be getting them in just a few more days. PCD ships with USPS Priority Mail, so you'll see them quick!

July 29, 2008

Back In-Stock!

QBP recieved 20 650B Neo-Motos from Pacenti today. Your Local Bike Shop can get them from the US's leading supplier of bike parts. Quality Bicycle Products.

Just keepin ya'll updated.

July 26, 2008

Death Pop? No, Horror Taxi.

Looks like the folks over at Spooky bikes have been reaping the benefits of the 650B format, what with their sponsored riders begging for just one more ride on the Spooky Darkside, 650B equipped 26" conversion. They have brought in a 650B Purpose built rig.
Taken from The Damned song "Nasty", perhaps an aluminum version will be called the Horror Train, or maybe a group of 650B bikes will be dubbed such.
Click for more info and photos!

July 25, 2008

US National Win on 650B Wheels!

Follow This Link:


Holy Crap.

So, it may seem not much has been happening around the industry with 650B in mind, but, boy, are you wrong.
I've gotten word that the Quasi-Moto tires from Pacenti have land in CA and are truck bound to Pacenti Cycle Designs headquaters in Tennessee. Currently, Merry Sales in San Fransisco has a batch of them, so if you LBD has access to order from them, your order awaits!

The Rumor Mill has been turning as well.
  • Kenda is getting closer for delivery on both sizes of their 650B Nevegal.
  • A NEW TIRE is in the works from a totally DIFFERENT Company. Like Pacenti, a smaller company is joining forces to get ya'll rolling on another tread pattern. No, I'm not giving up that secret just yet.
  • More Prototype frames are popping up from smaller companies, but hasn't gotten any test sleds yet. (I've been lazy) Keep an eye out.
  • There is an official complete wheelset will be available in 2009, but the company hasn't OK'd me to release images or names, just yet- stay tuned.
  • More 650B conversions have been found and are quickly posted on MTBR as consumers test their 26" steeds.
  • WiseCrackers are also available for Seatpost crackn and Headset Spacer crackn. Buy Them.
  • Quasi Motos should be shipping to your front door NEXT WEEK! That is, if your pre-ordered them.

July 18, 2008



A few more days, the new Pacenti Cycle Design QUASI-MOTO 650bx2.0" XC tire will be available to the public. Demand has been so high for these that PCD offered Pre-Orders for this tire, and Pacenti also sent out ALL of his prototypes to indutry folks.
$55ea, plus shipping.

July 04, 2008

The Lumber Jack 100, on Quasi-Motos

Last month I shipped out my set of prototype Quasi Motos to a racer in Utah for a race in Michigan: The Lumber Jack 100. Here's what John had to say about the race and the performance of the 650B x 2.0 Quasi Motos.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time. After all, the only bike I had was a single speed. Why not sign up for the single speed category? 100 miles. Nearly all of it singletrack. The Lumberjack100 is held every June in the heart of the Manistee National Forest and it was only January. Sure, why not single speed? I could get tons of riding in 6 months.

Despite commuting by bike nearly every day (I’m car free) and getting in a few epic rides here and there; the closer it got to race day the more I doubted my readiness for the race. I was beginning to grow desperate for any advantage I could get. I was debating gearing and even swapping out for lighter parts. Signing up for this race was turning me into a real nerd.

When I heard rumors of the 650B Quasi Moto tire and all of its low profile, fast rolling splendor I decided it was just the upgrade I needed to give me a leg up on the competition. So I did what any racer would do and begged for them! Luckily for me Jeremy of didn’t take much coaxing in order for him to lend me his Quasi Moto prototype tires (a big thanks to Jeremy and his generosity).

The tires arrived a few days before my flight back home to Michigan. Upon first inspection the tires looked to be in great shape and were noticeably lighter than my Neo Motos. When I mounted them up on my Velocity Blunts and slapped them on my Surly 1x1 most of my worries of having a poor race or even being unable to finish subsided. These tires just looked wicked fast. There was definatly much less rubber to push around than with my Neo Motos. As crazy as it may sound, at this point I was really looking forward to punching the pedals in the woods for 100 miles on a rigid bike.

Two nights prior to the race, the course received a dose of rain in the amount of 10 inches in 6 hours. The storm gave-ith and it took-ith away. Much of the course being rather sandy drained quite well. Well…other than a 300 yard stretch of the trail that was submerged in a foot or so of water and mud that only got deeper and more unrideable as the laps piled up. The storm also downed trees. But in return the storm also made for some uber fast and tacky conditions in other sections of trail. This combination proved to be an excellent testing ground for the tires.

The morning of the race I brought both tires up to 27ish psi and lined up at the starting line for the 2 mile paved roll out. I quickly spun my gear out but managed to catch a wheel and draft into the single track. The moment I hit the singletrack the tires began to shine. With every corner I took the tires asked for more speed into the next. The traction was confidence inspiring and the casing of the tires was plenty supple enough to take the edge off in the rough stuff. I had almost forgotten how much I enjoyed hammering through Michigan’s fast flowing single track, until I got to the swamp that the storm afforded every racer.

The 300 yards of swampy submerged trail was ride-able the first lap with a fair amount of going no where fast with entirely way to much effort. By the third lap it was actually nice to have an excuse to hop off the bike and walk a bit. Coming out of the muddy section was a short, steep, muddy incline where again traction wasn’t an issue. Before I knew it the tires had shed any mud they had collected.

Another section of the course the tires took to was a tightly tree lined sandy downhill single track. The sand was deep enough that I was expecting to be thrown off my line but the tires just floated through and charged ahead.

I can actually say for the application that I used these tires; there is not a single thing I would change about them. It’s nice to be able to ride and race and not notice your equipment for any of the wrong reasons. I was able to just focus on the trail and enjoy the ride.

The race was a blast up until the beginning of the last lap. Note to self: Next year; no apples. I started puking violently for a good solid 15 miles turning the pedals over about as slowly as one could without tipping over. I put on quite the show and even asked a fellow racer, “How do you like them apples?” Then, as suddenly as things went array things got good. It was almost like a light switch went off (or maybe I threw up the rest of my apples) and I started laying absolute science to the pedals. For the last 10 miles of the race I made miracles in the woods. Ok, ok…so maybe it wasn’t that fast but it sure felt like it.

By the end of the race I was hooked on these tires. When I caught my second wind during the last 10 miles these tires pinned it. My efforts were good enough for 6th place in single speed and 27th overall with a time of 8:57 and change. Both of which exceeded all my expectations for the race and I really like to think these tires aided in my results.

I am eagerly looking forward to the arrival of my own set of Quasi Motos from It will be interesting to see how they fare on some of the loose and rocky trails here in Salt Lake. Stay posted for further review. "

Thanks for the words, John.
He also included some race photos. Take a look.

June 25, 2008

No More Excuses! is at it again. SALE SALE SALE!
If you were thinking about fab'ing a custom frame for yourself, or just want to meddle with a torch and steel tubing, Pacenti Cycle Design is having a huge Sale!
Even the White Bros Fluid 130 650B Specific fork is EVEN LOWER.
Potential 650B users and custom frame builders need to take advanage of this gnarly sale.
for More info.

June 17, 2008

I don't NEED 2 kidneys..

Lynskey Fab steps up.....

June 15, 2008

Some Good Words

I found another post from good ol' Mickey.
Check out his 650B Demo here:

QBP is outta stock...

On Pacenti's Neo-Moto rubber. I'm sure they will be re-filling their inventory as they state:
"650B is the new Black"

Most LBSs order from Quality Bicycle Products they're huge in our industry. If you want some Neo-Motos now goto, on sale with free shipping.

June 11, 2008, Get It Cheap While You Can! is blowing out heir inventory of White Bros Fluid 130 forks, only a few left and the sale ends soon!!! If you want a 650B Specific longer travel fork, the time is now!


Also, the second tire from Pacenti Cycle Design is being relased soon, the Pre-Orders are stacking up and the first batch will likely sell out quick. Get your Pre-Order in ASAP to secure a set of Quasi-Moto 2.0x 650B tires. I'm loving mine, but have sent them off to a racer in Utah for additional dirt time.


May 31, 2008

650b, Who Makes What?

Ok, so there are a few threads out there regarding manufacturers and what they make, have made, or will make.
Here's a run-down of happenings in the 650B Format.

Alex Rims: soon to deliver the XD-Lite disc specific rim. Eyeletted, 24mm wide, 19mm deep.
American Classic: Testing wheels, currently at prototype level.
Ahrens Bicycles: Added the 650B MTB Mezzo to the their line-up in February 2008.
Carver Bikes: Currently offering the Killer Bee in titanium, custom options available at no extra cost. The Bumble Bee is their 29/650B version, both currently Ti only. Aluminum Killer Bee in the works.
Coconino : another custom builder, showed a 650B rigid MTB at NAHBS 2008.
Engin Cycles: Offered a custom 650B for raffle at Interbike 2007. Drew Guldalian is a customer frame builder in PA. He has a couple 650B MTBs now under his belt since Interbike 2007. Dirt Rag currently testing one of Drew's frames.
Haro Bikes: These guys have been on the ball since 2007. Th
eir Beasley line will be shipping soon. Offered in a single-speed and 1x9. Steel frames with rigid Fat-Chance inspired forks. Also, they dropped their 29er Sonix project in favor of a 650B type Sonix. Very Rad.
Igleheart: Custom builder that displayed raw 650B rigid forks at NAHBS 2008.
Kenda: Showed their 2.2" Nevegal at 2008 Sea Otter, rumored to be also offering it in a smaller size soon, too.
Kent Eriksen: Built Pacenti's Ti hardtail form NAHBS 2007.
Kish Titanium: Added a 650B MTB to their line-up in January 2008.
Origin 8: J&B house brand displayed a 650B aluminum frame with carbon seatstays at Interbike 2008, no more word besides that.
Pacenti Cycle Design: Makers of the first production MTB tires: Neo-Moto 2.3" and the soon to be released Quasi-Moto 2.0". They are also offering custom Steel frames, made in the USA!
Panaracer: Offers 3 townie/rando tires:
  • Nifty Swifty- 32.8mm wide
  • Col de la Vie- 38mm wide
  • Fatty Rumpkin- 40mm wide
Pereira Cycles: custom builder who received "Best Off-road Bicycle" at NAHBS 2007, builds 650B Townies.
Rawland Cycles: Producing a 650B only line-up consisting of the Sogn and Olaf; Steel offroad frames that will attack most terrains with ease!
Rivendell: Has been offing 650B rando bikes for years, and recently began shipping their off-road rigid: The Bombadil. Not enough room for the Neo-Motos, but the Quasi-Motos will fit!
Rock Lobster: Another custom builder with a 650B rollin' around: an old-school cruiser type.
Fox Racing Shox: Their fork line-up fits the 650B Neo-Moto, but Fox doesn't want us to use them.
Soma Fab: Prototype rigid fab'd up by El Camino Fabrication, killer burnt orange paint. They sent it out to Japan for testing, folks in the states are waiting for these to show up in shops.
Shamrock Cycles: One of the first small builders to display a FS 650B utilizing the Ventana 5" rear triangle.
Stan's No Tubes: offering their ZTR355 in 650B. My rims came in weighing 370g each.
Sun Ringle' : This components company offers 2 rims. The CR-18 has been out for a long while, and the Charger Wheelset is available using the Equalizer 27 650B rim.
Sycip: Added the 650B Diesel, can also build their Unleaded in a 650B format.
Vassago Cycles: Currently testing the Rapscallion full suspension 650B. They're still in prototyping, but be on the look-out!
Velocity Rims: Offering the Blunt and Synergy 650B rims, the BLunt is currently the go-to rim for MTB application.
Ventana: Currently shipping 650B FS rear triangles to custom builders. Also, offering the El Bastardo, a 4" or 5" travel Electric Sex welded aluminum FS bike.
Vicious Cycles: Added the Mambo Sun in both geared and SS models for the 2008 season. Debuted at Interbike 2007, now available in Ti or Steel.
Villin Cycleworks: Custom builder displayed 2 650B bikes at NAHBS 2008.
White Brothers: Offering the first 650B Specific Suspension forks
  • 650B Magic 80 A/C 464mm - QR or 20mm
  • 650B Magic 100 A/C 484mm - QR or 20m
  • 650B Fluid 100 A/C 484mm - QR or 20mm
  • 650B Fluid 130 A/C 517mm - 20mm axle only
Weinman: Haro has spec'd Weinman's Discovey 650B rim on their Beasley line.
X-Fusion Shox: Offering the Velvet 80-130mm travel fork that accepts the Neo-Moto with ease.

This list will be ever growing, and I've only listed 650B specific components (except for the forks). I'm sure there are loads of custom builders out there, and I'm not trying to discriminate
them, I'm doing my best. Feel free to add custom builders who HAVE already produced a 650B MTB, not those who are planning on building them.

May 17, 2008

the Quasi Moto is Coming

Be the first on your block to be on them! To find out how, bookmark this page, and visit often.


There are alot of folks on MTBR, this is just ONE of their stories:

May 07, 2008

The Godfather goes Retail

Kirk Pacenti is at it again: Providing 650B gear to the masses!
His lugs and frame build parts have been availsble to anyone who wants to purchase them for years. Now he's added an E-Commerce feature to his website!
Main Page
Goto [URL=""][/URL] to see the 650B stuffs he's offering! Gear it up, folks.

May 06, 2008

Across the (bigger) Pond! MTB 27.5 Goes International!

"Hi Cracked Headtube, and other 650bers! Just letting you know that Pacenti's tyres are now available in Australia through .
We are also the aussie Dealer for White industries and On One. We are just down the road from the Velocity factory and will be working with them and White Industries to provide Aussies with 650b wheelsets with Kirks tyres.

Cheers, Stu "

Stu, Thanks for the update! Our AU and Kiwi readers will really appreciate this info!

Mean while, elsewhere:

"You aren’t going to believe this, but we got 1st place in the open class! I haven’t really had time to train for this, for lots of reasons and was only hoping for a top 10-20 finish and on the 2nd lap I was really feeling it on the climbs, by no means am I in top shape right now. In terms of the bike, I have one word to say "awesome"! I am definitely sold on the 650B, and the 100mm came in handy, the descents were steep and rocky and the extra 20mm really made a difference. "

From Rick Caudle

Rick is demoing a 650B MTB, and is now in the market for his own!


May 03, 2008

Snuck Up on Me

To start off, the Haro Beasely bikes will have Weinman Discovery Rims, and from my understanding this was a new size for them... Surfing the web I found the Weinman ZAC-19, 650B rim. I'm not sure how available they are, but Velo Orange has them in a 36H format.

From the Velo Orange Blog.

As a commuter I appreciate bike lanes. I REALLY appreciate when I get to use them.

More Quasi Action and ramblings

So I've had my Quasi Motos for about 2 months now. They've seen pavement, gravel, sand, hard packed trails, and bog. They've seriously proven themselves. I'm not totally sure if it's the tire or 650B wheel size. A few years ago I was riding 29ers which handled the local sand nicely, but I nice liked the feel of the biggest wheel. I digress. The Quasi-Motos.
I have one pair of the tires, and 2 650B (converted) bikes, and 3 set of wheels, so I've kept the Neo-Moto of front and the Quasi on the back. The Neo grabs so nice on corners but I do admit it's weight is a draw back on the rear. I have my Stan's ZTR355 rims laced to American Classic disc hubs with Sapim spokes all built and tires mounted, Tubeless! This is my first personal experience with a tubeless setup. The Quasi is holding air tubeless great. Also, I was able to fit the Quasi-Moto in my Haro Sonix VL120's stock rear swing-arm. I think this tire will open MORE possiblities for 26" conversions.
Speaking of converisons, I also built up a White Industries ENO disc hub on a Velocity Blunt. I have Trek frame I want to put this on, but it has no disc tabs, and the Blunt has no rim area for brakes. Also, I failed to purchase the ENO caliper adapter. (dummy). I plan to Braze some disc tabs onto the Trek ( when I buck up and buy them) , At that point, an old Trek 930, will be a 650B convert too. We'll have to see. Ok, I realize I'm babbling.

April 30, 2008

Kenda: the Specifics

Ok here are a few drawings from Kenda. The spec for the Nevegals tires to be soon release.
Tomac Nevegal goes mid-sized, but not in width.
650Bx 2.35 and 650Bx 2.1
40-65 PSI