My Voo Doo Bokor show'd upFriday, just as we were closing! I'm super excited to build this one up! Clearance is looking good! The Sliders on the rear allow for good clearance, and room to move back. SO, I'm building this as a Single Speed to begin with. I'm out of shifters and rear dérailleurs! I guess I have too many projects going on! 650B bikes are sucking my life force.....AAHHH. I'm hooked.
17" Bokor frame
X-Fusion Velvet R up front.
American Classic SS hubs on Velocity Blunts,
not American Classic rims.
I'll finish the build this weekend! Last night I had enough time to face and ream the head tube and install headset, and face and chase the BB. The BB wasn't bad, but the head tube NEEDED it.
The Prebuild:

ss clearance

cs clearance
BB Height?
I will post a full spec and measurements at completion of the build! Keep watch!
Great clearance. Let us know how well that X-Fusion fork holds up.
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