June 30, 2012

Nino is Becoming the Poster Child for 650b

After a series of serious wins on 650B, Nino Schurter hits the cover of MBA rolling on his custom Scott scale.  Within it's pages MBA has printed a complete run down of the Scale's components with a bit of focus on the wheelset.  The August issue of Mtn Bike Action is in stores now!

June 23, 2012

Nino Schurter Wins Again

With a sprint finish to the 5th round of the UCI World Championship XC, Nino Schurter takes another win on his 650b equipped Scott carbon hardtail. Dispite suffering a flat tire.  Congrats to Nino, Scott Bikes, DT Swiss, and Dugast tires.

Pacenti's 650B line of rims is ready for your ordering pleasure!
The PL23
The CL25
The TL28
And the DL31

Click each image to be send to their respective ordering page on BIKELUGS.COM!

June 08, 2012

Stan's FLOW EX Rim in the Works!

Stan's No Tubes has put their Flow EX into production in the 650B diameter!  Expected to be 475g for the rim and boast 29mm in width, 32h only. Available as a rim only or in their complete wheel offerings.  ETA is August 1.  I will be getting a set as soon as they are available. 


Shootouts!  Mountain Bike Action likes nothing more than shootouts!  This month they have wrangled up a herd of KHS full suspension bikes to put them through the ringer, each with a differing wheel diameter. 26, 650B, 29, all with the same suspension platform and comparable component spec. 
First Up: 26" 

Second: 650B

Lastly: 29"
Head to you favorite book store or grocer and pick Mountain Bike Action for the shootout article!
This will be MBA's second 26-650B-29 head to head to head test, as they also hit the trail with Jamis's hardtail offerings!